
Warm greetings from the East Asia Orient office!

I trust all is going well with you, your families, and your teams. We are looking forward to being with all of you at the EAOrt All Staff Conference (ASC) in October 2014.

Based on John 17:26, the theme of ASC is "KNOWN: By Him, With Him, For Him". Throughout our time together, we will talk about what it means to be known by God, known by each other, and known to the that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. In being KNOWN, there are three purposes for ASC.
The first purpose of the gathering is to celebrate together. Celebration is a part of community in Christian life. As you may already know, Korea celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2008, and Pakistan its 50th in 2010. Japan's 50th was in 2012, and Singapore's 40th in 2012. Mongolia's 20th was in 2012, and Taiwan's 40th is in 2014. It will be a time of celebration for what the Lord has done in this area.

The second purpose of the All Staff Gathering is to have common understanding of the current changes that have happened and are happening in this organization. Since 2009 many changes have occurred, and we are still in the midst of change. All these are closely related to the future development of Spiritual Movements in CCC. We need to have a common understanding of these changes and be aligned with the global direction in order to have effective collaboration to further His Kingdom in the EAOrt area and beyond.

The third purpose is to commit to contributing throughout the next ten years. Previously, we had the All Staff Gathering of East Asia Area in 1994 and 2003. We need to know where we are and where we need to go. I believe it is time for us to contribute globally and come alongside other areas as well.

With these three purposes in mind, our the ASC team has been praying for you and for how to best serve you through the conference. We look forward to being with all of you.


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East Asia Orient Area team


All staff from or serving in the seven countries of the East Asia Orient Area of Affairs


  • October 19~24, 2014
  • Arrival & welcome dinner on Sunday, October 19, 2014
  • Departure on Saturday, October 25, 2014


Daemyeong Vivaldi Resort in Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do, South Korea Daemyeong Vivaldi Resort


  • Known
  • With Him, In Him & For Him

Theme Verse

I don't mean to say I am perfect. I haven't learned all I should even yet, but I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and wants me to be" Phil 3:12(LB)

" and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them." John 17:26


  1. Celebration of country anniversaries
  2. Common Understanding-align with global direction; same vision, same mission
  3. Commitment to Contribution

Desired Outcomes

  1. Common vision and direction-united hearts, synergy in our ministry
  2. Time well-spent interacting with staff from different countries
  3. Understanding of most recent changes in the global movement
  4. Spiritual revitalization in regards to our mission and vision

ASG (All Staff Gathering) Team

  • Conference Coordinator : Charles Yun
  • Prayer Coordinator : Simon Son
  • Communications Coordinator : Joyce Jow
  • Program Coordinator : Heng Wing Lee
  • Associate Program Coordinator : YongHo Yun
  • Administrative Coordinator : Daniel Ko


October 19~25, 2014

Known - By Him, With Him & For Him
Win Build   Send    
Date Sun 19th Mon 20th Tue 21st Wed 22nd Thu 23rd Fri 24th Sat 25th
Time Arrival MC #1 MC # 2 MC # 3 MC # 4 MC # 5 Departure
07:30 - 08:00 Breakfast
08:00 - 08:30 Day
08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:30 Worship & Prayer Day
09:30 - 10:00 Devotion #1 Devotion #2 Devotion #3 Devotion #4 Devotion #5
10:00 - 10:30 (Tom Roxas) includes 15 mins of small grp discussion
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 11:30 Global Directions Culture Change Connecting with the lost Strategies Time Multiplying Ldrs
11:30 - 12:00 (Steve D) includes 15 mins of small grp discussion (Steve D)
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30 Seminars #1 Men : Decentralised Games & Ladies Time Free afternoon & evening (Sightseeing tours etc) Strategies Time: SLM, LLM, GCM, Digital Strategies, OPS, LDHR, Prayer Movement Country Meeting
14:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:00 Break
16:00 - 16:30 Seminars #2
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:00 Dinner (on our own) Dinner (on our own)
18:00 - 18:30 Welcome Dinner & Celebration
18:30 - 19:00
19:00 - 19:30 Praise & Worship Praise & Worship
19:30 - 20:00 Connections #1 Connections #2 Connections #3 Commissioning
20:00 - 20:30
20:30 - 21:00


Evening Program

Many Stories, One Movement
    Win Build   Send
Date Sun (19th Oct) Mon (20th Oct) Tue (21st Oct) Wed (22nd Oct) Thu (23rd Oct)
Country & Resource connection   S. Korea, Mongolia, Xchange Pakistan, Singapore, EAST   Japan, N. Korea, Taiwan
Staff & disciples connection Stories about connecting the lost to Christ Stories about building multiplying disciples and leaders Stories of contribution of manpower and finance by sending and receiving nations
Staff & leaders connection Young staff - Why did you join staff? Senior staff - What keeps you on staff? Q & A with Executive Team & Rock
Long Service Recognition 30 and more years on staff (during Opening Ceremony) 20-29 years on staff 10-19 years on staff 5-9 years on staff


1. Seoul (USD 30): Gyeongbokgung Palace and Insa-dong Road


Gyeongbokgung, or the Palace of Felicitous Blessing, was the main palace of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910).

Insa-dong Road

One of the Seoul's most visited places among foreign travelers, Insa-dong is often regarded as a living museum in which modern and tradition coexist in a harmonious manner. The district contains historical sites and its roads and alleys are lined with traditional tea houses, restaurants, calligraphy shops, antique shops, art galleries and craft workshops.

2. Seoul (USD 32): Nam Mountain and Myung-dong Road

N Seoul Tower

The N Seoul Tower, a complex culture space in Seoul, is where the clouds seem to meet with Nam Mountain. It shows vistors the harmony of Namsan's nature, the 21st century state of the art, resting with leisure, and various cultures.


Myeong-dong is one of the most popular shopping districts in Seoul, South Korea where it is home to many international and Korean brands (including many cosmetic brands). It is a very vibrant and colourful district by day and night and attracts youths and tourists alike. Myeong-dong is a great place to shop for clothes as well as cosmetics.

3. Korean Folk Village (USD 43)

Korean Folk Village

The Korean Folk Village is home to numerous collections of Korean cultural artifacts, providing an opportunity for Korean children to experience and learn the culture of their ancestors firsthand. The site provides a venue to promote traditional Korean culture to both domestic and international visitors, and provides an open-air learning place for succeeding generations. The village has been developed to convey the wisdom and the spirits of our ancestors to both domestic and international tourists.

4. Osanri Prayer House (USD 25)

Osanri Prayer House

You can take a personal prayer time.

5. Seorak Mountain (USD 37)

Seorak Mountain

You can enjoy snow and colorful fall leaves of Korea.

6. DMZ (USD 31)
  • Distance : 2 hours 30 minute
  • DMZ


DMZ is a buffer zone to prevent an armed conflict after the armistice agreement between South Korea and North Korea. There are Odusan Tongil Unification Observatory, The 3rd Tunnel. It is the DMZ with the shortest width among 155 mile of the ceasefire line and is 460m from North Korea.


ASC Registration
  • First Name :

    Please enter your first name exactly as it appears on your passport

  • Last Name :

    Please enter your last name exactly as it appears on your passport. The Last Name is also known as the Family Name or Surname.

  • Name on Tag :

    Enter your first name you wish to be shown on the name tag.

  • If you need to regist for your family
    First Name Last Name Age or Birth Name Tag Relationship Func
  • Phone Number :

    Please include country code and area code where applicable : e.g. +82-32-1234567

  • Gender :

Conference Registration

  • Nationality :   Ministry Country :

  • Basic registration Fee is 65$. You can choose your room style and excursion
    [Family type room]
    [Suite type room]
    Option 1. Room
    • USD 300/adult (5 adults in suite type room)
    • USD 370/adult (2 adults in family type room, additional bedding cost for more than four persons)
    • USD 340/adult (2 families in suite type room, additional bedding cost for more than five persons)
    • USD 100/child 3~10 years (breakfast & lunch included)
    • USD 200/child 11~18 years (breakfast & lunch included)
    Option 2. Excursion
    • Seoul(USD 30$) : Gyeongbokgung Palace and Insa-dong Road
    • Seoul(USD 32$) : Namsan Mountain and Myung-dong Road
    • Korean Folk Village (USD 43$)
    • Osanri Prayer House (USD 25$)
    • Seorak Mountain (USD 37$)
    • DMZ (USD 31$)
    • No Excursion

We will open next step of online registration, such flight information, choosing seminar etc.